My life as a stay at home mom

Archive for April, 2011

our snow day…


I wanted to share a few pics from our snow day on April 15th.  Here is the before, note the date April 7th, 2011.  It was such a beautiful day out we decided to have snack out on the deck. 

And here are the after pics:

I love this one, because it shows who else really wants to be outside – unfortunately he hates his snow pants, coat, hat and mittens – if only snow was warm enough to enjoy right out of the house.

We enjoyed 11 inches of snow that day plus we get to make up the day at the end of the school year.  Don’t ya just love snow in April?

and so it starts…

Today it was so beautiful outside that we decided to walk to school.  We were enjoying each other’s company, but Jacob started getting ahead of us and before we knew it he was walking a 1/2 block ahead of us.  As I watched my oldest son walk ahead of us it made me chuckle and think he is already a teenager embarrassed of his mom.  I don’t think that is actually what he was thinking, I think he was either bored with us or that he didn’t want to be late for school.  It is just one more reminder to enjoy all the time I can get before teenage-isms become a reality.

lunchtime conversation

Isaac:  Mom I have a great idea.  You could wear your wedding dress to church for Easter – that would be beautiful.

Me:  yea, that would be beautiful, except for one thing – mommy doesn’t fit into her wedding dress anymore.

Isaac:  oh………………well then daddy should buy you a new wedding dress.

Me:  mmmm, we’ll have to ask daddy about that.

Annie:  I think daddy should buy me a wedding dress.

Me:  yea, he probably will someday.

Isaac:  can I have more corn dogs?

Happy Birthday Seth

Yep today is my littlest baby’s 1st birthday – a day to pause and think of how fast time flies when you are having fun!  Seth is a little under the weather today with a yucky cough and runny nose.  Plus I don’t think he knows what to make of all the singing and carrying on that he is experiencing from us.  We turned his car seat around this morning and he cautiously looked out the window confused for the whole drive to and from school.   Just wait until I lay a whole chocolate cupcake (with fire on top) in front of him tonight – he is going to flip his little lid.  I will take plenty of pictures and post them as soon as I can.

first steps

I was going to post a video of some of Seth’s first steps, from two weekends ago when he was just taking off, but apparently my camera’s video is not compatible with this blog.  So I will just post a few pictures of him just after the weekend of his first steps when he thought he was superman and could leap tall buildings in a single bound (or climb a step-ladder to the top and not fall over).

loose tooth

We had a very exciting night last night!  Jacob lost his first tooth, we have been waiting for this day for a long time!